Caprylic/Capric Acid


What is Caprylic/Capric Acid?

Caprylic/Capric Acid, listed under the INCI name Caprylic/Capric Acid, is a mixture of saturated fatty acids containing eight (caprylic acid) and ten (capric acid) carbon atoms. Naturally found in coconut oil and palm oil, it is known for its antimicrobial and skin-friendly properties. These features make it widely used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries.


CAS                             68937-75-7

Caprylic/Capric Acid



How is Caprylic/Capric Acid made?

Caprylic/Capric Acid is typically obtained through the fractionation of natural oils such as coconut oil or palm kernel oil. During this process, the fatty acids are separated and purified to yield a consistent and high-quality product.


The function Caprylic/Capric Acid

Caprylic/Capric Acid acts as a skin-softening ingredient in personal care products and functions as an emulsifier in various formulations. In the food industry, it is used as a flavoring agent and as part of dietary supplements.

Caprylic/Capric Acid across different industries

  • Food industry: Used as a flavoring and in diet products due to its medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). 

  • Cosmetics and personal care: Added to creams, lotions, and cleansers as an emollient and antimicrobial ingredient. 

  • Pharmaceutical sector: Utilized in medications and supplements for its antimicrobial properties. 

  • Industrial applications: Used in the production of plasticizers, lubricants, and surfactants. 


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Chempri: your partner in Caprylic/Capric Acid

At Chempri, we specialize in the production and supply of high-quality oleochemicals and their derivatives, including Caprylic/Capric Acid. Our products are manufactured in our modern production facility and can be customized to meet the specific needs of our customers.

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